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Welcome to Con Alma Health Foundation Grants Portal

Con Alma Health Foundation awards grants to qualified 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organizations serving the residents of the state of New Mexico and that align themselves with the Foundation’s mission and core values. Grant recommendations are made by Con Alma Health Foundation’s Grant Making Committee, comprised of members of the Board of Trustees and Community Advisory Committee, and ratified by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.

Another funding opportunity is the Northern New Mexico Health Grants Group (NNMHGG). The NNMHGG is a joint initiative of Con Alma and the Hospital Auxiliary of Los Alamos Medical Center. NNMHGG awards grants to eligible nonprofits that target the unmet healthcare needs of the people of Los Alamos, Rio Arriba and northern Santa Fe Counties.

Our Mission is to be aware of and respond to the health rights and needs of the culturally and demographically diverse peoples and communities of New Mexico. Con Alma seeks to improve the health status and access to health care services for all New Mexican communities and advocates for a health policy that addresses the health needs of all in New Mexico. The Foundation makes grants, contributions, and program-related investments to fulfill its Mission.